Sunday, March 24, 2013


just for little bit share of our holiday at Bali on last old n new 2012..

we stayed there for about 10 days, spend the New Year eve at the Double six Beach, first plan was we had gone to Kuta Beach for spend the night on that moment, but the beach was full like a cendol in the small glass..wkwkwkw.. so we moved and walked down to Double six, we met many people with many way, a lot of  foreigners..
some of them were drunk already, gosh the time still 9 pm, what happened with you guys with that funny alcohol and got drunk at that afternoon time? better for you to take an orange

at the next day after we arrived, we brought the kiddos to Water Bom, one of the funtastic water park in Bali with welcome place for pleasure and a lot of  food, they get crazy in here and cant stop to try some spot to was just so nice to having time here with lots of laughing till we feel hungry..hmm..nice memories..:)

Here are a few pic of them...its teasing you, wasn't it? :p

we also visited the famous Tanah Lot, thanks God the weather was very sunny and the sea was low tide then we can enjoy time lucky we are..! :)

met some Japanese Tourist, a lot of Russian and Australia..hmm, too bad i didnt met any Hollywood actress

ice cream yummy dreams we've found along the Legian street...yum yum...:))

here, we really enjoyed walking through the Legian, Seminyak or Kuta street, it was lovely to see those humble traditional Bali lifestyle..

at the weekend, we spend time to watched Kecak Dance, it wasnt the first time for me but yes for the kiddos so i accompany them to Batubulan, south bali with long trip by car, finally we sitting here with many other people.. cant say much about this performance..just enjoy! :D

~ KU DE TA ~
oh yeaah...we felt in love to this entertainment place..the best beach around Bali, free of charge but pay expensive for the drink and food..sure there is no free at all in this world, riteeeee? ...

~ UBUD ~
peace..quiet..colorful and excelent...

we found and spend lunch here at the Warung Pulau Kelapa, a nice environment traditional restaurant with few organic menu for food..i love the staff hospitality, the place to take some nice shoot and also the price..*ehem*


its another famous food here, located near Seminyak area, 1 portion of baked pork ribs we called IGA BABI GULING.. the taste is superb, the place is nice and the price is worthit..everybody happy..:)))

Thanks for reading everyone..hopefully to visit Bali again in the next time...

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Nyookk kite nonton ondel-ondel...nyoookkk...hihihihi...yang angkatan jadul pasti tau deh lagu ini, ngehits banget dulu artis nya Benyamin S...padahal beliau bukan asli betawi, tapi di karenakan liriknya gampang di inget jadi ya tiap denger itu lagu kebayangnya cuma betawi...

so akhirnya pas libur Nyepi yang lalu, mampir deh kesini..lumayan ganti suasana yang beda, ketemu tempat dan beberapa makanan khas betawi yang pastinya gak akan ada dalam mol...:)

Ini Main Entrance nya, masuk ke dalam agak jauh tapi teduh koq, bisa pake taxi, motor, sewa bis dll, jalan kaki juga silakan, setelahnya dijamin jarum timbangan gak terlalu ke kanan...:p

kiddos was soo enjoy inside, because we can met and try many traditional local snack food, very cheap and not bad for culinary experience..

its fun enough ^^

Monday, March 18, 2013


17 Maret 2013..
Yaaay...dapat undangan dari teman yang jadi produser di ANTV...acara nya live tapi tiket tidak dijual bebas, thats why i'm soooo excited..apalagi ada artes pujaan...waktu ditanya mau kelas festival atau tribune, dengan yakin saya jawab : "festival aja"..iya dong, udah dateng jauh2 kalo cuma bisa duduk dan enjoy show nya dari jauh ya mending di rumah aja kalee..:p

karena acaranya di JCC dan u know kan akses kesana kalau wiken tuh super padet, maka jam 4 saya dan teman (undangan cuma utk 2 orang) sudah duduk manis dalam antrian, open gate jam 5..daan karena antri paling depan, jadi bisa masuk duluan waktu pengisi acara masih check sound..:D ajegile tenan...:)))

Boril nya aja masih pake celana di linting..lanjooouuutt...:D

tata panggung nya keren banget, sound system dan lighting nya juga bagus.. dan enaknya karena undangan terbatas, jadi banyak space kosong di kiri kanan, gak ada sikut2an bau keti bertebaran judulnya..:D

paling suka di sini selain Noah (dan boril :p) adalah si BCL, rambut pendek nya bikin dia jadi kliatan energik dan fresh, tapi kenapa blakangan ini tampil dimana2 selalu barengan Noah ya? :D

Agmo siy juga keren dengan segambreng dancer nya, tapi memang agak susah dapet angel shoot yang bagus karena bergerak kesana kemari..tapi sukaa sama model baju nya, kecuali yang warna ijo kuning berbentuk balon..

Artis luar yang tampil luar biasa juga malam ini adalah not Simple Plan..sumpah baru tau band ini waktu mereka nyanyi beberapa lagu hits nya yang ternyata cukup familiar di kuping seperti Jetlag, Summer Paradise dll..ckckck..kemana aje gw band begini famous nya koq eikeh gak ngeh..:p dan seperti kebanyakan grupis, begitu mereka muncul, terdengarlah jeritan histeris di sekitar, dan saya terbengong-bengong..wkwkwk..

envy deh liat lensa kamera yang iniiiihh...nabung aaahh...:p

acara baru bener2 bubar sekitar jam 12 malem, tapi manalah terasa cape kalo udah ada di acara begini, yang ada malah sempet foto2 dulu di gate depan..:D

Special thanks buat kak Herty Purba utk undangannya, heeiits banget..hahaha..juga buat Titi Siregar yang mau nemenin joget2...kapan2 lagi yaaa...*hugs*

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


yaaay...this is the one of me and the kids favourite..! CHOCO CHIP...aawww....:))

Never enough for 1 piece but too much for 3 pieces..:p...but i like the taste, the texture, and the nuts inside with a lo of choco chip on the top..absolutely insist us to eat more and more..

i never knew that making this one is sooo easy with soo many ingredients that you can add with, not only nuts, but also the flavour of vanila, brown sugar...and dont forget to use the best chocolate powder..on this recipe i use my trusted choco powder, bordeaux..the smell and taste is perfect..:)

i got the recipe from culinary magazine but i am sure there are a lot of this kinda of recipe in the internet, so please take your time to brows and use any one that good to your taste level..

dont forget to check the timer about 15-20 minute for bake, the cookies will get set after you put it out of the oven...hmm...i am madly in love to this...Lol


Sunday, March 10, 2013


and the judul nya is lebay yaaa..hihihi...ya dong, sekarang kan jaman serba lebay, serba palsu, drama di mana-mana..duuh capee gak siiy hidup pake topeng gitu, ngomong muter2, mbok ya langsung aja gitu loh, suka atau gak jangan di umpetin cuma demi jaga perasaan orang laen, perasaan kan kita yang atur jeh, bukan tanggung jawab orang laen...*eheem, curcol..hahahaha...

Back to topik yuuks..bikin Ayam Kodok agaain, setelah bbrp waktu lalu sempet vakum, karena memang menu seperti ini biasanya untuk acara besar, kalo cuma menu utk rumahan kayaknya takes time nya banget ya, blom makan udah kenyang ajah..:p

Ini dipesan oleh anak ekskul Bola SMA Pangudi Luhur Jakarta, ada pemilihan pengurus baru untuk ekskul tsb jadi kumpul2 lah mereka, tentu membawa potluck masing2 supaya gak merepotkan rumah yang ketempatan, apalgi ini anak laki2 semua, body dan porsi nya gede2..ini aja ternyata untuk 40 orang, entah deh ada yang kebagian cuma kulitnya aja x yah..naseeeb...xixixixi..

oyah, untuk isiannya, selain ayam giling dan daging giling (yang lagi manjat ke atas harganya) *ggrrr* juga di tambah hati ayam tapi direbus dulu supaya gak amis, trus ada juga roti yang direndam susu cair, so adonan nya super moist dan wangi susu..juga dikasih parmesan sekitar 50 gr di campuran semuanya supaya  gak plain aja rasanya..

ayamnya sendiri sebelum di isi saya marinate juga dengan bumbu bubuk seperti lada, bawang putih, cabe dan sedikiiit kunyit, maksut nya siy  supaya aroma anyir dagingnya hilang dan menyatu dengan rasa isi nya..:D

pas ditanya mau saus nya apa, si abang bilang.."saus black pepper aja mami kata temen2 ku supaya ada spicy nya dikit..'' oh oke deh boy..jadilah kentang dan saus nya di bungkus terpisah karena di packing ini sudah full dengan sayurannya..

packing ini lalu di plastic wrap atas nya supaya rapi dan higienis, lalu di masukan lagi dalam dus emas yang cakep..jadi gampang di bawa nya..

Thanks untuk orderannya yaaa..makannya keroyokan dong yah untuk 40 anak laki? ^^